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Each individual who achieves housing through VMC receives a VMC key ring to celebrate their achievement. The VMC key ring serves as a symbol of success over the many challenges and barriers that have been overcome to reach their housing goals.

VMC Key Ring: A Symbol of Success
Heather and Scottie with Case Manager Opal King

George was the 31st VMC Resource Center program member to achieve housing this year! 

Morgan with Case Manager Jered Croom

Elizabeth became a Minvilla Manor resident in October 2017 and now has a safe home to call her own.

Program members completing VMC classes that help to move them towards reaching their housing goals!

Phyllis and Tony, (standing with Resource Center Director Vanessa Hensley on left and Case Manager Dyrl Higdon on right) achieved housing in October 2017 .

Jeff Entering His New Home

Fred Standing in his new home. Achieved Housing September 2017.

879 Housing Placements Since 2007

87 formerly homeless individuals achieved housing in 2017, bringing the total number of individuals achieving housing to 970 since 2007!

Latoya with Reource Center Director Vanessa Hensley

Pamela enjoying her new home. Achieved Housing August 2017.

Charles with Case Manager Nancy Douglas

Robbin was the 79th Resource Center program member to achieve housing this year. After experiencing homelessness for six months, Robbin achieved his goals! Robbin's advice to others experiencing homelessness- "If you work in the program and don't try to work the program- you can be successful. Your efforts are your greatest asset." 

Wanda and Elizabeth with Case Managers Jamie Brown and Dyrl Higdon

Program members completing VMC classes that help to move them towards reaching their housing goals! VMC believes that in order for individuals achieve to housing,  they also have to learn how to maintain housing. VMC provides many opportunities for  those seeking housing to learn new knowedge and skills that will help them be successfull before and after achieving housing.

Charles Signing His Lease

Patrica achieving housing this year! Case management is the vital key in assisting individuals experiencing homelessness to achieve housing! VMC Resource Center case managers provide the personal accountability, empowerment, advocacy, and most importantly the support and encouragement that means the difference between failure and success in overcoming homelessness.

Main Location

Volunteer Ministry Center

511 N Broadway

Knoxville, TN 37917

CALL US: 865.524.3926


Copyright © 2022

Volunteer Ministry Center 

Mailing Address

Volunteer Ministry Center

P.O. Box 27406

Knoxville, TN 37927

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