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March 14, 2022


Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Volunteer Ministry Center continues to adjust operations to maintain the safety and well-being of neighbors (those we serve), volunteers, and staff. 



As of this date, the CDC Community Levels for Knox County are in the “green.”   CDC guidelines for prevention are relatively simple at this level, “stay updated with vaccines and get tested if you have symptoms.”   The good news is that our present level suggests that the “risk of medically significant disease, hospitalization, and death from COVID-19 is greatly reduced for most people,” means


However, more prevention measures need to remain in place.  CDC guidance on “homeless shelter” service providers advises the following:  “Regardless of COVID-19 vaccination status, all clients, staff, and volunteers should continue wearing well-fitting masks or respirators and maintain physical distance in shelters,”


Therefore, wearing masks inside VMC buildings remains in effect in all common gathering areas.  Physical distancing, handwashing and clean environments continue to be excellent practices to mitigate the spread of the virus.   


Masks are optional in offices and meeting/break rooms.  However, it is essential to remember that our colleagues and those we serve are immunocompromised or high risk for severe illness.  Please consider this important factor in your decision not to wear a mask in the office and meeting/break rooms.


Some volunteer activities may continue with restrictions and limitations.  

Please contact the supervisor for more information in the area you have/are volunteering.

For general volunteer opportunities: Katlyn Moore (

Resource Center Meal Groups:  Gail Mullins 865-216-6436

Bush Family Refuge: Sarah Bradsher (


The Foyer and Resource Center offers pre-and post-housing services to neighbors with enhanced hygiene/cleaning protocols while observing social distancing.     Meal groups in the Resource Center are limited to five (5) or fewer people or less and must always remain in the kitchen area.


The Bush Family Refuge & Dental Clinic will continue to operate under regular hours, and reception areas are limited to five or fewer individuals.  Limits on some services are due to the availability of staffing.  


Minvilla Manor will allow volunteer groups with three (3) people or less.  The Community Room is open while practicing physical distancing with no more than twenty (20) people, including the volunteer group.


Be safe and be well!

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