VMC programs served over 3,069 individuals struggling with homelessness or housing instability in our community:

72 of Knoxville’s most vulnerable achieved freedom from the streets and now have a safe place to call home, thanks to the Resource Center, Rapid Rehousing Program, and Street Outreach Program.
The housing retention rate for neighbors housed through the Resource Center is 90.8%.
152 neighbors received housing case management, and 11,057 meals were provided to those receiving services.

Over 1,124 neighbors in crisis received services through the Bush Family Refuge.
This included 125 neighbors (and their families) receiving emergency assistance with rent and utilities.
The Street Outreach Program made contact with 1,032 neighbors experiencing homelessness on the streets of Knoxville.
Street Outreach’s Mobile Shower Trailer also provided 2,724 showers to 526 neighbors.

VMC’s Permanent Supportive Housing developments, Minvilla Manor and Caswell Manor, provide 105 apartments for chronically homeless neighbors with a disability.
Minvilla Manor opened in 2010 and Caswell Manor opened in 2023 and both provide a home and community to those who are not be able to sustain housing on their own.
The Dental Clinic had 577 patient visits and performed 1,242 dental procedures at no cost for the homeless and low income in our community.